
*** Smarty 2 - Class Methods ***
1.append() — append an element to an assigned array
2.append_by_ref() — append values by reference
3.assign() — assign values to the templates
4.assign_by_ref() — assign values by reference
5.clear_all_assign() — clears the values of all assigned variables
6.clear_all_cache() — clears the entire template cache
7.clear_assign() — clears the value of an assigned variable
8.clear_cache() — clears the cache for a specific template
9.clear_compiled_tpl() — clears the compiled version of the specified template resource
10.clear_config() — clears assigned config variables
11.config_load() — loads config file data and assigns it to the template
12.display() — displays the template
13.fetch() — returns the template output
14.get_config_vars() — returns the given loaded config variable value
15.get_registered_object() — returns a reference to a registered object
16.get_template_vars() — returns assigned variable value(s)
17.is_cached() — returns true if there is a valid cache for this template
18.load_filter() — load a filter plugin
19.register_block() — dynamically register block functions plugins
20.register_compiler_function() — dynamically register a compiler function plugin
21.register_function() — dynamically register template function plugins
22.register_modifier() — dynamically register modifier plugin
23.register_object() — register an object for use in the templates
24.register_outputfilter() — dynamically register outputfilters
25.register_postfilter() — dynamically register postfilters
26.register_prefilter() — dynamically register prefilters
27.register_resource() — dynamically register resources
28.trigger_error() — output an error message
29.template_exists() — checks whether the specified template exists
30.unregister_block() — dynamically unregister block function plugins
31.unregister_compiler_function() — dynamically unregister a compiler function
32.unregister_function — dynamically unregister template function plugin
33.unregister_modifier() — dynamically unregister modifier plugin
34.unregister_object() — dynamically unregister an object
35.unregister_outputfilter() — dynamically unregister an output filter
36.unregister_postfilter() — dynamically unregister a postfilter
37.unregister_prefilter() — dynamically unregister a prefilter
38.unregister_resource() — dynamically unregister a resource plugin

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