
 *** Smarty 3 - Class Methods ***
1.addConfigDir() — add a directory to the list of directories where config files are stored
2.addPluginsDir() — add a directory to the list of directories where plugins are stored
3.addTemplateDir() — add a directory to the list of directories where templates are stored
4.append() — append an element to an assigned array
5.appendByRef() — append values by reference
6.assign() — assign variables/objects to the templates
7.assignByRef() — assign values by reference
8.clearAllAssign() — clears the values of all assigned variables
9.clearAllCache() — clears the entire template cache
10.clearAssign() — clears the value of an assigned variable
11.clearCache() — clears the cache for a specific template
12.clearCompiledTemplate() — clears the compiled version of the specified template resource
13.clearConfig() — clears assigned config variables
14.compileAllConfig() — compiles all known config files
15.compileAllTemplates() — compiles all known templates
16.configLoad() — loads config file data and assigns it to the template
17.createData() — creates a data object
18.createTemplate() — returns a template object
19.disableSecurity() — disables template security
20.display() — displays the template
21.enableSecurity() — enables template security
22.fetch() — returns the template output
23.getCacheDir() — return the directory where the rendered template's output is stored
24.getCompileDir() — returns the directory where compiled templates are stored
25.getConfigDir() — return the directory where config files are stored
26.getConfigVars() — returns the given loaded config variable value
27.getPluginsDir() — return the directory where plugins are stored
28.getRegisteredObject() — returns a reference to a registered object
29.getTags() — return tags used by template
30.getTemplateDir() — return the directory where templates are stored
31.getTemplateVars() — returns assigned variable value(s)
32.isCached() — returns true if there is a valid cache for this template
33.loadFilter() — load a filter plugin
34.Smarty::muteExpectedErrors() — mutes expected warnings and notices deliberately generated by Smarty
35.registerCacheResource() — dynamically register CacheResources
36.registerClass() — register a class for use in the templates
37.registerDefaultPluginHandler() — register a function which gets called on undefined tags
38.registerFilter() — dynamically register filters
39.registerPlugin() — dynamically register plugins
40.registerObject() — register an object for use in the templates
41.registerResource() — dynamically register resources
42.setCacheDir() — set the directory where the rendered template's output is stored
43.setCompileDir() — set the directory where compiled templates are stored
44.setConfigDir() — set the directories where config files are stored
45.setPluginsDir() — set the directories where plugins are stored
46.setTemplateDir() — set the directories where templates are stored
47.templateExists() — checks whether the specified template exists
48.unregisterCacheResource() — dynamically unregister a CacheResource plugin
49.unregisterFilter() — dynamically unregister a filter
50.unregisterPlugin — dynamically unregister plugins
51.unregisterObject() — dynamically unregister an object
52.unregisterResource() — dynamically unregister a resource plugin
53.testInstall() — checks Smarty installation

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